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Ever feel like things just aren’t going your way? Like the plans you thought you had for your life have been destroyed by either your own doing or someone else’s? You’re not alone…but just hold on! There’s a solution! In this book, Linda Bowley shares a little different “twist” from the true Biblical story of Jonah, and how his journey from boarding a boat to laying on a sandy shore and then accomplishing God’s will correlates with some of her own experiences. “Overboard” is a confirmation that God can and will restore and lead you into a life of overwhelming, overcoming victory. She explains simple truths that prove it’s just not that hard to recognize and follow God’s plan for your life, and enjoy all He has for you and your family.
If you’ve been misunderstood and judged by others, remember they haven’t walked in your shoes. If you’ve misunderstood and judged others, remember you haven’t walked in theirs. Linda Bowley says, "I’ve always taught my children, 'If you encounter a mean spirited, rude person, always remember there must be something going on in their lives that you don’t know about. People aren’t mean for no reason.'" Thank the Lord Jesus that we have Him to handle people and things for us. His solution is always perfect, and it’s His responsibility to expose people’s sins. Ours is to love and speak faith-filled words of encouragement. As hard as that sounds, in this book you’ll find some insight on dealing with the frustrating issues we witness others around us encounter…..and our own.