Being from Texas, I've always loved Country Music -- well most of it. I don't really like any music that glorifies blatant evil, but I do like the Taylor Swift song “All You’re Ever Gonna Be is Mean”. It’s about a young girl dealing with mean schoolgirls. It’s sad but true, some people just get their thrills being mean-spirited and using that against innocent, or maybe even not so innocent, people.
Being from Texas, I've always loved Country Music -- well most of it. I don't really like any music that glorifies blatant evil, but I do like the Taylor Swift song “All You’re Ever Gonna Be is Mean”. It’s about a young girl dealing with mean schoolgirls. It’s sad but true, some people just get their thrills being mean-spirited and using that against innocent, or maybe even not so innocent, people.
Even more sadly, I have witnessed and even experienced this myself, not only as a young girl, but as an adult, and to top it off, the majority of the time this meanness came from people who profess to be Christ followers and even family members. I've seen this meanness and bullying against my children, my family and my friends. In the natural I'd like to go slap someone (I know, not very spiritual of me....), or expose them with the things that possibly I KNOW about them............especially when it comes to my kids and family. (I have another whole message on this in my book "Exposed" on
But if I am a true Christ follower, I have no choice but to hold on to the fact that God is our vindicator, and that people WILL reap what they sow. (Galatians 7:6) God lets us witness that vindication at times -- not so we can gloat about it -- but so we can see He is faithful to right the wrongs and so we will put more faith and trust in Him to allow him to handle things His way in the future when it happens again........and it will.
See, I just don’t read anything in the Word of God where jealousy, contention or meanness is acceptable. It's certainly not cute or funny. One of the fruits of the Spirit is kindness. But strife, jealousy and envy often bring out the worst in people….especially “church” people or people who say they are Christians. Especially on social media, where people feel free to express things they'd never express with someone face to face.
The Bible tells us to “encourage one another”, not to judge, but to love. Judging and gossiping about someone does not display the character of the person we are talking about – it displays our own character and integrity. I've always taught my children that a REAL gossiper is one who uses the truth when it does more damage. Sad but true. I've seen people who used the smallest things to start the biggest turmoil. Sometimes, even things that they did or said, and turned it around to try to control you, or others into siding with them. Yes that's pathetic.
So the next time someone does something, says something, hints at something that is hurtful, tries to control you or those around you, just remember. God's got this! You are a child of God. You be the one to choose to do the right thing, make the right choices and let Him handle it. Because He will.
Linda King Wilson
Updated 6/7/2016
Even more sadly, I have witnessed and even experienced this myself, not only as a young girl, but as an adult, and to top it off, the majority of the time this meanness came from people who profess to be Christ followers and even family members. I've seen this meanness and bullying against my children, my family and my friends. In the natural I'd like to go slap someone (I know, not very spiritual of me....), or expose them with the things that possibly I KNOW about them............especially when it comes to my kids and family. (I have another whole message on this in my book "Exposed" on
But if I am a true Christ follower, I have no choice but to hold on to the fact that God is our vindicator, and that people WILL reap what they sow. (Galatians 7:6) God lets us witness that vindication at times -- not so we can gloat about it -- but so we can see He is faithful to right the wrongs and so we will put more faith and trust in Him to allow him to handle things His way in the future when it happens again........and it will.
See, I just don’t read anything in the Word of God where jealousy, contention or meanness is acceptable. It's certainly not cute or funny. One of the fruits of the Spirit is kindness. But strife, jealousy and envy often bring out the worst in people….especially “church” people or people who say they are Christians. Especially on social media, where people feel free to express things they'd never express with someone face to face.
The Bible tells us to “encourage one another”, not to judge, but to love. Judging and gossiping about someone does not display the character of the person we are talking about – it displays our own character and integrity. I've always taught my children that a REAL gossiper is one who uses the truth when it does more damage. Sad but true. I've seen people who used the smallest things to start the biggest turmoil. Sometimes, even things that they did or said, and turned it around to try to control you, or others into siding with them. Yes that's pathetic.
So the next time someone does something, says something, hints at something that is hurtful, tries to control you or those around you, just remember. God's got this! You are a child of God. You be the one to choose to do the right thing, make the right choices and let Him handle it. Because He will.
Linda King Wilson
Updated 6/7/2016